Joyce Crawford Martin

Profile Updated: May 16, 2023
Residing In: Omaha, NE USA

RETIRED from Mutual of Omaha after 36 years on May 31, 2015
Spouse/Partner Name:
Spouse/Partner Occupation:
Jack Martin Husband. Retired
Children Tammy--- Feb 1975, Jenny--- Mar 1978, Jon -- Dec 1980 & Jessica
What is new with you?

It looks like our newest adventure will be "parenting" our oldest grandson (who will be 17 in Dec), for how long --- ???
He's back at home. Can't believe it but he will be 23 this December! They grow up sooo fast!!!

I love my grandkids to the moon and back X my age. ;)

He Did it!!! My oldest grandson graduated (Virtually) May 24, 2020! Soooo Proud of him!!!
Gal 6:9 says "So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time".
We all need to keep climbing our mountains and not give up because there is a feast on the other side of the mountain and we don't know how close we are to the top.

I have 6 grandchildren (4 boys & 2 girls) Our newest little girl will be 2 Dec 1, 2023...she was born on her daddy's birthday...what a present!!!

We have 2 hilarious, entertaining, funny cats!!!
Who needs TV with these two??? We named them Daisy & Duke. bro & sister. Still Precious & fun at 6yrs old! Turned 6 in Apr 2020.
I wish I had half their energy (when they're awake) - lol! Daisy loves to play fetch with my husband. She cries for him to play with her.
Duke? He lives burrowing and darting under throw rugs to retrieve what has been hidden under them! Love 'em!!!!

Announcement(s) you would like to share:

This Sun May 17th I will turn 62 & then May 22nd is my last day of work at MUTUAL OF OMAHA!!!!! Looking for time to relax & spend time with husband and grandkids.

My husband & I came to our 45th class reunion in 2016. It was nice to see & meet alot of my classmates on Sat evening. We didn't get to all of the events, so I missed seeing some of my classmates.
First one I had been to since we graduated!!

When is your Anniversary?


Grand Children

Austin, 2000-(my big boy-oldest grandson had a golden birthday- he turned 15 on the 15th in the year 2015)- That will never happen again & none of my other precious ones will experience it);

CALEB 2002

Brayden 2005

Kyleigh ( my only girl). 2011, &
OWEN- 2014.

Great Grand Children

non yet. let's wait alittle bit, :)


We got our first kitten the summer after we were married 1988. The 3 little kittens lost their "MITTENS", all her feet were white, so we named her MITTENS (she was a beautiful calico). We let her have a litter of kittens (she had 4)--she was a good little mommy. She had fight with my hubby--she wanted the kittens under our bed (as she always slept with us), so she would carry one up under the bed and Jack would take it back downstairs & as he was going down, MITTENS was coming up with another one. WELL, guess who won that battle? Do I have to tell you? Well, of course, the new proud mama. We kept one of the kittens but he only lived 5 1/2 yrs (heart attack). His precious mama lived to almost 17 yrs old--she was having kidney failure. She was my Angel, baby doll.

Then our next one came from Houston, Tx. Our nephew brought her up, she was a muted calico--she was 18 yrs old when had to say good bye to her also, "breast cancer" :( Sept 16, 2013

When MITTENS left us, I got another one at a flower shop in Blair, Ne. Our SANDY, she was one of a kind. Then her kidneys started to go, so had to say another good bye. (2 in about 9 months)

I was without a cat in the house for 8 days-
And that brings us to date --with my little Daisy & Duke(2014). My precious kitties.
If you haven't figured it out, I love my cats!!! :) They are sleeping on me right now. They have the loudest purrs.

What grade school did you attend?


What junior high did you attend?


What was your first job?

REDMAN NURSING HOME--nurses aide. Worked there for 3 1/2 yrs & then went Clarkson Hosp as a nurse's aide.

School Story:

My best friend in high school was Deb Wulff but have lost contact with her. I finally found her via her son on Facebook. :) Had lunch with her.
I also hung with Janice Alstadt & Deb Croshaw.


My favorite teacher was Mr MC Clure. (Bookkeeping)

I love looking thru the pics & info of my fellow classmates. FUN & kind of addicting. I just stumbled onto it VIA Facebook yesterday.

How many states have you lived in from 1971 to the present?


Joyce's Recent Comments

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May 18, 2024 at 12:18 PM

Posted on: May 17, 2024 at 8:39 AM

We're all now the age of our graduating class!! :)

Jim Fitzgarrald New comment added.
May 14, 2017 at 7:39 PM

Posted on: May 14, 2017 at 2:00 PM

Joyce, it was great visiting with you at Sortino's Friday night. Hope there are more of these get togethers.

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Posted: May 16, 2023 at 7:37 PM
Posted: May 25, 2020 at 9:15 AM
My Daisy and Duke!!!
Love 'em!!!!
Posted: May 25, 2020 at 9:19 AM
My 3 boys!!! Christmas 2019
L to R. Caleb, Brayden, Me, Austin
Posted: Mar 12, 2016 at 10:04 AM
This is the other 4 climbing the falls via water. ??
Posted: Mar 12, 2016 at 10:00 AM
My husband & I made it to the top (via 1000 steps) @ Dunn's River Falls. The other four went up the falls via the water -a little longer than 3 football fields to the top of the falls & said we made a wise decision going with our tour guide (she was 30 yrs old but I had to call her "mom" since she escorting me) ??
Posted: Mar 12, 2016 at 9:47 AM
Posted: Mar 12, 2016 at 9:54 AM
Went to Jamaica in Feb with my baby bro (Randy)-left, his wife, Karen, my hubby, Jack, me, my brother-in-law-Dave, my older sister, Jackie(she graduated in '70 from North). Our sibling trip. Awesome memories!!!!!
Posted: Dec 29, 2015 at 1:41 PM
my girls, grandsons & hubby
Posted: Dec 29, 2015 at 1:43 PM
a younger look back me (L) my baby bro (M) & my big sis (R) :)
Posted: Jun 01, 2015 at 3:53 PM